Friday, 19 August 2011

Access regained woop, Lost about 1kk in items tho... Thank god he only took the items and didnt get me killed. He left pots and some money so I cant complain I guess haha. A Friend was nice enough to lend me the items seen above until I can afford my own gear... Guess Ill be hunting wyrms for a while haha.


  1. free stuff is better than none!

  2. That's some awesome gear, man

  3. Hey, I just found your blog today, your blog is pretty cool, I admit I enjoy a video game every now and then, check out my blog for survival reviews.

  4. Oh man I remember playing this game, it was so fun. I might pick it back up..

  5. So whats this game about? been hearing a lot about it lately

  6. I suppose its like a 2d world of warcraft lol, PVP and PVE and its pretty adictive with houses etc.
